Why Is Remote Work so Hard? | Remote Work Guide | Wrike (2024)

Working from Home

Why is remote work so hard?

The benefits of working from home are clear. More flexible schedules, shorter commutes, and better work-life balance all come to mind. However, remote work may not be ideal for everyone. Though many people praise the benefits of remote jobs, others may find working from home stressful or difficult to manage. But what are some of the reasons why remote work is so hard?

Simply put, working from home may not be a good fit for everyone. Here are some of the reasons why remote work is so hard for some.

Different time zones and locations

One of the major challenges that remote workers encounter is collaborating with colleagues who work in different cities, tone zones, and even countries. It can hinder the cohesion between teams and affect work progress.

Collaboration isn’t something that happens with no effort. Certain ground rules can help ensure that teams are on the same page and are able to communicate effectively with other coworkers.

Loneliness and lack of social interaction

Humans crave social interaction, but a remote setting makes it difficult for employees to socialize with peers and have face-to-face conversations. Remote working can pose higher risk of loneliness, with studies showing that 20% of employees listed loneliness as one of their biggest struggles they face when working remotely.

In-person meaningful engagement and appropriate communication techniques with your colleagues are critical to relaxing your mind. It can keep you mentally healthy and save you from the stress of isolation that remote work brings.

Home distractions

One reason why remote work is so hard is because of at-home interruptions. Although many believe that working from home boosts your productivity, distractions can easily interrupt the tempo of your work.

In order to avoid this issue, it is essential to manage your time well and separate “home” time from “work” time. Sticking to a proper schedule can also maintain structure and build routine in an environment that would otherwise be chaotic and hard to manage.

Technical problems

Another common issue that can make remote work difficult are problems with technology. Technical difficulties are a big reason why remote work is so hard, especially during an initial transition period.

Before making a full transition to remote work, be sure to resolve and address any technical issues you may encounter. From VPNs to physical equipment you’ll need to complete your work, try to resolve these issues early. Make sure you have the right tools and resources to aid a seamless approach to remote working.

Learn more about how to avoid stress and burnout when transitioning to remote work.

Why Is Remote Work so Hard? | Remote Work Guide | Wrike (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.