What is a DNS Zone? Primary and Secondary DNS Zone and how to create it? (2024)

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What is a DNS zone?

DNS zone is a delegated partition of the Domain namespace, container of DNS settings and DNS records inside a DNS zone file. The DNS records point domain names to IP addresses, show information about services, serve for verification and authentication purposes and more.

The DNS namespace can have single or multiple DNS zones, each managed by a particular DNS host/service. It has a hierarchy structure where the top is the root level, followed by the top-level domain, domain, subdomain, etc. This division helps for administrative purposes. It decentralizes the DNS, making it possible to be managed on different levels, and also reduces the tasks of nameservers by dividing their responsibilities. It is like an enormous pie. Each piece of it allows better separation of the administrative load and helps with redundancy.

What is a DNS Zone? Primary and Secondary DNS Zone and how to create it? (1)

There are three types of DNS zones – Primary (Master) DNS zone for control, Secondary (Slave) DNS zone for redundancy and better performance and Reverse DNS zone for network troubleshooting and for email servers IP to validation.

The first contains all the original DNS records, and the second gets them from the Primary DNS zone. The process is called DNS zone transfer. The Primary DNS server could push it, or the secondary can get the changes when its cache expires.

Don’t directly associate a DNS zone with a specific domain. A DNS zone may contain single or multiple host names for the same domain; the important thing is that it is used for controlling a fraction of the namespace. DNS zones can be on the same servers too.

We also recommend that you readWhat is Authoritative DNS server?

Different types of DNS zones

There are different types of DNS zones, but in this article, we will set our eyes on just two:

  • Primary (Master) DNS zone –holder of the original zone file (all the DNS records for the zone). You can manage a host through this zone.
  • Secondary (Slave) DNS zone –holds a copy of the zone file. You can use them for better performance, for hiding your Primary, for backup and redundancy.
  • Reverse DNS zone (rDNS) – Responsible for mapping IP addresses back to their associated domain names. This is the opposite of what a typical (forward lookup) DNS query does.

Primary DNS zone

Primary (Master)zones contain a read/write copy of the zone data. There could be only one Master zone on one DNS server at a time. All the DNS records added manually or automatically, are written in this Primary zone of the DNS server.
The data is stored in a standard text file – .txt. The advantage is that it is easy to back it up and to recover in case of problems.
Something essential is that to be able to make changes to the DNS zone, the Primary zone must be available. If the server with your Primary DNS is down, you won’t be able to make any changes.
If you want to have redundancy, you must have the zone data accessible on multiple servers.

If you want to learn how to create a Primary zone in ClouDNS, check the following step-by-step tutorial:

  • Click on the sign-in button and enter your email address and your password.Once you have logged in, you will see your Dashboard. From the list, you will notice that you do not have any registered DNS zones.
  • Click on the “Add new” button. In the pop-up window, click on “Master zone”. You can create your DNS zone with the NS records you want. However, we recommend you to use the suggested ones.

If you want to check your domain’s NS records, we recommend you take a look at the second command from our article: 10 Most used Dig commands

  • In the text field, enter your domain name without HTTP, HTTPS, or WWW. Example: yourdomain.com. Once you do it, click on the “CREATE” button.

You have successfully created your Primary (Master) zone. From the top menu, you will be able to manage your Master DNS zone with all of the available options. Here you will see all the DNS records you can create and use for your needs.From the list, you can see your hostname, the type of the record, where they are pointed to, and what the TTL is.

You can also check our wiki page about Master DNS zone.

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Secondary DNS zone

The Secondary DNS zone is a read-only copy of the zone data. Most of the times Secondary (Slave) zones are copies of Master zones. They can also be copies of other Slave zones or Active Directory Zones.
If you try to change a DNS record on a Secondary zone, it can redirect you to another zone with read/write access. By itself, it can’t change it.
One of the primary purposes of a Slave zone is to serve as a backup. When the Primary zone is down, it can still answer requests for the zone from its copy.

Check the following step-by-step tutorial to learn how to create a Secondary (Slave) Zone in ClouDNS.

  1. Click on the sign-in button and enter your email address and your password.
  2. Once you have logged in, you will see your Dashboard. From the list, you will notice that you do not have any registered DNS.
  3. Click on the “Add new” button and then click on “Slave/Backup zone”
  4. In the first field, enter your domain name without HTTP, HTTPS, or WWW. Example: yourdomain.com. In the second field, on the right, add the IP address of your Master Server. Once you do it, click on the “Add Slave” button.

You have successfully created your Secondary (Slave) zone. From the top menu, you will see the available options for your Slave Zone. Here is also the IP address of your Primary Server.

If you want to use Secondary DNS zones, you can also review our Secondary DNS page, and decide which of our premium plans is right for you.

Now you know what a DNS zone is and the difference between these two types – Primary DNS zone and Secondary DNS zone. For any additional questions about your DNS infrastructure, you can contact our customer support.

Reverse DNS zone

A reverse DNS (rDNS) zone is a DNS zone established for the purpose of resolving IP addresses into domain names. While a standard (forward) DNS query resolves a domain name into an IP address, an rDNS or reverse DNS query does the opposite, mapping an IP address back to its associated domain name.

The Reverse DNS zone encompasses two types: Master and Slave. The Slave Reverse DNS zone acts as a safeguard, maintaining a read-only copy of the reverse DNS records while remaining in sync with the Master zone to distribute load efficiently. In contrast, the Master Reverse DNS zone is the authoritative source that houses the original mappings of IP addresses to domain names. All modifications and updates to these records are made in the Master zone. For guidance on setting up Master Reverse DNS zones, refer to the following instructions.

The utility of rDNS zones can be seen in several areas:

  • Network troubleshooting: rDNS is useful for diagnosing network routing problems and pinning down the source of network attacks. By using reverse DNS lookup, network administrators can identify the hostnames associated with IP addresses appearing in log files.
  • Email Verification: The SMTP protocol used for email has a step where the recipient’s mail server checks the sender’s IP address in a reverse DNS lookup. This can be used as a simple way to verify the legitimacy of the email sender and helps in spam prevention.
  • For Certain Internet Services: Some Internet services, such as FTP servers, often use reverse DNS lookups as part of their control strategies.

Suggested article: FTP vs HTTP: Understanding the Key Differences

In DNS, each octet (unit) of the IP address is reversed and placed in the in-addr.arpa (for IPv4) or ip6.arpa (for IPv6) domain. For example, the IP address is represented in a reverse DNS zone as The PTR (pointer) record is then used to map this to a domain.

DNS Zone VS. Domain

In the domain namespace, the biggest difference between the domains and zones is that domains provide logical structure, and the zones provide an administrative structure.

A domain is a subtree of the domain namespace. It shares its name with that of the top-most node, like yoursite.eu (eu domain). It could be divided into various zones that can be controlled separately.

A zone is a partition of the domain namespace that requires a Primary nameserver and can be managed separately. A zone can coincide with the domain and covers all of its subdomains, or it could be just a partition of the domain. You could have separate zones for mail.yoursite.com and ftp.yoursite.com for your domain yoursite.com.


In conclusion, DNS zones are the building blocks of the Domain Name System, enabling efficient management of DNS records and administrative responsibilities. They play a vital role in ensuring the reliability and accessibility of online services by facilitating proper domain-to-IP address mappings.

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What is a DNS Zone? Primary and Secondary DNS Zone and how to create it? (2)

Martin Pramatarov

Hi, I’m Martin Pramatarov. I have two degrees, a Technician of Computer Networks and an MBA (Master of Business Administration).My passion is storytelling, but I can’t hide my nerdish side too. I never forgot my interest in the Hi-tech world. I have 10 years and thousands of articles written about DNS, cloud services, hosting, domain names, cryptocurrencies, hardware, software, AI, and everything in between.I have seen the Digital revolution, the Big migration to the cloud, and I am eager to write about all the exciting new tech trends in the following years.AI and Big Data are here already, and they will completely change the world!

I hope you enjoy my articles and the excellent services of ClouDNS!

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Tags: Backup DNS, Backup Zone, DNS backup, DNS zone, Master DNS, Master DNS zone, master slave DNS, primary DNS, Primary DNS zone, Primary Zone, secondary DNS, Secondary DNS zone, Secondary zone, Slave DNS, Slave DNS zone, What is a DNS zone Last modified: February 8, 2024

What is a DNS Zone? Primary and Secondary DNS Zone and how to create it? (2024)


What is a DNS Zone? Primary and Secondary DNS Zone and how to create it? ›

Primary DNS servers contain all relevant resource records and handle DNS queries for a domain. By contrast, secondary DNS servers contain zone file

zone file
A zone file is a plain text file stored in a DNS server that contains an actual representation of the zone and contains all the records for every domain within the zone.
https://www.cloudflare.com › dns › glossary › dns-zone
copies that are read-only, meaning they cannot be modified.

What is primary zone and secondary zone in DNS? ›

A DNS server hosting a primary zone is the primary source for information about this zone. It stores the zone data in a local file or in AD DS. To create, edit, or delete resource records, you must use the primary zone. Secondary zones are read-only copies of primary zones.

What is my primary and secondary DNS? ›

Open your Command Prompt from the Start menu (or type “Cmd” into the search in your Windows task bar). Next, type ipconfig/all into your command prompt and press Enter. Look for the field labeled “DNS Servers.” The first address is the primary DNS server, and the next address is the secondary DNS server.

What is the DNS zone? ›

A DNS zone is a portion of the DNS namespace that is managed by a specific organization or administrator. A DNS zone is an administrative space which allows for more granular control of DNS components, such as authoritative nameservers. The domain name space is a hierarchical tree, with the DNS root domain at the top.

How do I create a secondary DNS zone? ›

Create a secondary zone
  1. From the Windows desktop, open the Start menu, select Windows Administrative Tools > DNS.
  2. In the console tree, expand a DNS server then right-click, then select New Zone.
  3. On the New Zone Wizard page, select Next.
  4. On the Zone Type page, select Secondary zone.
Mar 30, 2023

How do I create a primary DNS zone? ›

Add a primary DNS zone
  1. Log in to ​Control Center​.
  2. Go to ☰ > DNS SOLUTIONS > Edge DNS. The Zone list page opens.
  3. On the top toolbar, click Add zone. 📘 ...
  4. On the Add zone page, configure the settings for your primary zone using the following field descriptions as guidance. Contract. ...
  5. Click Create zone. ...
  6. Add a new record set.

What is secondary zone in DNS? ›

A secondary zone is a read-only copy of the primary zone that is stored on a different server. The secondary zone cannot process updates and can only retrieve updates from the primary zone. Secondary zones are organized within DNS views. For more information on DNS Zones, see Configuring DNS Zones.

What is primary DNS for? ›

Primary DNS servers

Anyone who owns a domain has primary DNS, which is a domain's main authoritative nameserver. This server stores the IP address and other important information related to a specific website.

What is DNS and how it works? ›

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Internet. Humans access information online through domain names, like nytimes.com or espn.com. Web browsers interact through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources.

What is the use of secondary zone? ›

Different types of DNS zones

Primary (Master) DNS zone – holder of the original zone file (all the DNS records for the zone). You can manage a host through this zone. Secondary (Slave) DNS zone – holds a copy of the zone file. You can use them for better performance, for hiding your Primary, for backup and redundancy.

How DNS works step by step? ›

How DNS works. DNS servers convert URLs and domain names into IP addresses that computers can understand and use. They translate what a user types into a browser into something the machine can use to find a webpage. This process of translation and lookup is called DNS resolution.

How do I find my DNS zone? ›

In order to find out the active DNS zone please follow these steps:
  1. Open DNS checker by clicking on this link DNS Checker - DNS Check Propagation Tool.
  2. Enter the name of your domain in search bar.
  3. Under the drop right besides the search bar select NS.
  4. Click on the search button.
Sep 20, 2023

What secondary DNS should I use? ›

In This Article
The Top Free Public DNS Servers
ProviderPrimary DNSSecondary DNS
Control D76.
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Mar 14, 2024

What is the purpose of secondary zone? ›

Secondary zone definition

Instead of getting information from local files, secondary zones receive pertinent information from a primary server in a communication process known as a zone transfer. With secondary zones, you can duplicate records from your on-premises DNS server to your DNS Services custom resolver.

What is the primary zone in AD DNS? ›

Primary Zone (Read & Write Copy)

The primary zone is stored in a text file in DNS services rather than a database like Active Directory. If we want to make any changes in DNS records, those changes can only be made on the DNS primary zone, which is a writable copy of the database.

What is the difference between primary secondary and stub zone? ›

In summary, primary zones are read-write copies of zone data and hosted by primary DNS servers, secondary zones contain read-only copies of zone data and are used for load balancing and fault tolerance, and stub zones contain only resource records for the domain's name servers and are used for faster name resolution ...

What should I set my primary and secondary DNS on PS4? ›

Playstation 4:
  1. From the PS4 Menu, scroll right to Settings > Network > Set Up Internet Connection > Select either Wi-Fi or LAN cable (Wired) ...
  2. From there, enter the Primary DNS as "" and the Secondary DNS as ""
Jul 11, 2023

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