Sims 4 Witchcraft Career Mod – Guide to 100% Effective Love and Money Spells - Broken Ashes (2024)


Sims 4 Witchcraft Career Mod Are you curious how to cast spells for love? If you are interested in learning how to practice witchcraft, you have come to the right place. Real witches are very real: they are ordinary people who practice magic. Magick, too, is real; it is simply the practice of using powerful energy to achieve your intentions. If you have not heard, witchcraft is all of the fashion now, and if you are interested in it, then you are likely to be a trendsetter in your age group and even across the world.

What is witchcraft exactly, anyway? It appears that most people think that it is about black magic and dark symbols, but in reality, there is much more to witchcraft than meets the eye. If you are interested in witchcraft, then you will learn some of the basics of that fascinating religion through this article.

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What You Need to Know About Witchcraft Spells

Wicca, the ancient form of Witchcraft, has been misinterpreted by some as a pagan practice. This is not true. Wicca is simply a way of life, but witchcraft is really just a part of that. Witchcraft and Wicca spells have been used for thousands of years. Today, there are new, modern witches who practice Witchcraft with a strong religious belief and who respect the traditional view of witchcraft.

Witchcraft, the ancient form of divination, and spell casting, have been misinterpreted by some as a pagan practice. However, it is not a practice that goes back very far. Witchcraft has become a popular ‘growth’ topic and many interest centers are centered around comparing and contrasting witchcraft today with the medieval “witchcraft” of Medieval Europe and the irrationality and superstition of the old-world “witch-craving” peoples. Here is a word of caution to newcomers to witchcraft: you don’t have to be a witch to become a witch.

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At its core, witchcraft is a form of religious observance. Each coven has a single leader or priestess who leads the congregation. When a witch becomes a witch (which happens when she goes through a special puberty spell or undergoes a major transformation, such as coming to terms with a tragic loss) she goes through a rite of passage where she must become a member of the coven. A witch who is ready to be a member of the coven can choose to take a leave of absence once, but only one time. This enables her to travel and participate in other rites and ceremonies while fulfilling her obligations to her coven.

There are many different types of witchcraft, but it is typically considered to be Christian. The three main branches of witchcraft are Pagans (people who do not believe in the Christian God), Witches (people who do believe in Christians but not God), and Wicca (a more complex version of Pagans and Witches). While many witches and Pagans believe in practicing magic, a Witch or Witchcraft does not believe in magic. The three branches of witchcraft have many different paths to follow, but they all work towards the same goal, which is the restoration of innocence lost due to witchcraft and Satan’s attack on the world. They also want to practice their religion in ways that are ethical and spiritual rather than “just” spiritual.

A Word of Caution Sims 4 Witchcraft Career Mod

A common misconception is that those practicing “magical” witchcraft are witches. This can be confusing, because while there is no “witch-power”, witchcraft does incorporate magical thinking and behavior. Witches do believe in God and are spiritual, but just like any religious practitioner, they use their mind and spirituality to perform work and achieve their desires. Wiccans do believe in God and a higher power, though most practicing witches would regard themselves as being more “human” than spiritual in nature.

Here’s a start to your understanding of witchcraft, if you’ve always wondered, “what is witchcraft?”. According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, witchcraft is “the practice of magic or illusion”. So, now you know what witchcraft is. You might think now about how to get started. The first step to witchcraft is learning the basic principles of magic, especially using spells, charms, and crystals.

“Books on witchcraft”, or Wicca, are the best starting point for most beginners. It doesn’t matter what kind of witch you are. Even if you feel like an accountant, a shaman, a psychic or a witch, you can learn to be a witch by studying Wicca or one of its many variants. It doesn’t matter if you want to be a black witch, a white witch, a violet witch or any other type of witch. It is important to understand that there is no such thing as a “wrong” spell or “right” spell; that each person has their own personal interpretation of spells and charms.

The next step for beginners is to investigate the various forms of witchcraft that are popular today. Two main types are Wicca pantheism and Wicca paganism. Pantheism believes in a traditional pantheon of deities; nature spirits, ancestors, and animals. Paganism believes in a pantheon of gods associated with nature, animals, and deities.

One of the most important aspects of witchcraft is what type of rituals or spells they use. In fact, there are hundreds of different kinds of rituals or spells, each representing a specific belief within a Witch’s community. Some of the most common types of rituals include Christian Witchcraft (a form of religion within which Christians believe their God is one with Nature, while Witches see the Earth as sacred and separate from God), Wiccan (also known as “Celtic” witchcraft, which includes many practices that are common in Pagans and Witches alike), and Necromancer (a form of witchcraft that believes the dead can be brought back to life through spells and/or rituals). Different Witches follow different paths in their beliefs, but they all work towards similar ends. When it comes to ritual and magic within a Witch’s community, covens tend to be a group of women who hold common beliefs and who take on similar practices when necessary.

As a general rule, male witches are considered “witchesbane”, while female witches are considered “soft”. Hard witches think and act like men, but soft witches tend to be more feminine in their outlook. There are exceptions to every rule, of course, but in general, witches tend to think a little bit alike and practice their magic in similar ways. The belief and practice of witchcraft among women is a very important part of the overall belief system within a witchcraft community. The difference between a man and a woman in witchcraft is usually attributable to the way a woman thinks and the way a man thinks.

Gaining Experience

As you gain experience, you will learn which type of witch you are. You may decide that you want to learn more about casting spells and working with magick. Or you may simply want to dabble in the casting spells and the working with magick that comes with it. In either case, you will find that the best way to get started is to learn a bit about how spells and incantations work, what spells you can learn from common books, and the basic practices of some of the most popular Witchcraft traditions such as Wicca, Pagans, Unitarian, Wiccan, and Celtic witchcraft.

Once you have some understanding of how to cast spells and have learned a bit about Wicca, you can move on to the more technical aspects of casting spells. There are many books on this subject written by professional witches. They will teach you about ceremonial magick, spell-casting rituals, and how to do spell work, such as weaving pentacles and amulets. They will also teach you about working with crystals and gemstones.

For the more advanced or experienced witch, there are several books available on this subject written by experts. Some of these books deal with working with crystals, gemstones, and casting spells and charms. Others give detailed instructions for working with Tarot cards and Kabbalah. They will also provide you with the Tarot cards and Kabbalah incantations needed for casting spells of both Wicca and Witchcraft.

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Sims 4 Witchcraft Career Mod

Final Thoughts

As a beginning level witch, it is always difficult to know how long a spell will take and to determine the correct concentration and mindset to use certain spells. It is important to remember to always begin a spell using a high-quality spell workbook that is attuned to your energy and focused. It may take some time to learn to use each of the various elements but once you have mastered these elements, it will be much easier to cast spells in accordance with your spell casting time frame and in accordance with the instructions in each specific spell. However, there are a few general rules that apply to all spell casting time frames. The longer the duration the larger the focus and intensity, while the shorter the duration the smaller the focus and intensity.

When casting spells of Wicca, it is important to remember that every spell has a strong effect and there is no “cheating” when it comes to spells performed under the auspices of witchcraft. Witchcraft spells are very powerful tools. When a spell is not followed and every precaution is taken it is very easy for that single spell to cause failure and even the death of the caster. Witchcraft spells are a type of communication, and a person casting a spell cannot be expected to follow every specific word or phrase, or even every step or order in the casting process.

Sims 4 Witchcraft Career Mod

Wicca is taken into consideration a contemporary interpretation of pre-Christian customs, though some involved case a straight line to ancient techniques. It might be exercised by individuals or participants of groups (sometimes called covens).

Sims 4 Witchcraft Career Mod – Guide to 100% Effective Love and Money Spells - Broken Ashes (2024)


Can you make money being a witch on Sims 4? ›

There are three main ways to make money as a spellcaster; potions, artifacts, and the copypasto spell.

How do you cheat on spellcaster points? ›

So the first thing that we need to do is to open up our cheat box by pressing and holding ctrl shift

How do you get all the spells in Sims 4? ›

There are three main ways of learning Spells in Realm of Magic: by obtaining Tomes, Practicing Magic, and winning Duels of Knowledge. Your Sim can also learn three Spells from the three Sages in the Magic HQ, though this requires them to be Good Friends and also have the Master Spellcaster Rank.

Can you become a sage in Sims 4? ›

So we're gonna go ahead and hit enter. And i'm gonna go ahead and press safer to take a bath. And as

Can my Sim become a witch? ›

Go outside and find all seven orbs; they are very easy to see since the sage will give you a special ability for that purpose. Go back to the sage and give him the orbs. As a reward, your character will be turned into a witch.

Can Sims become spellcasters? ›

A normal Sim can become a spellcaster through completing a quest given by one of the three Sages in Glimmerbrook and enacting a ritual known as the "Rite of Ascension".

Are Spellcasters immortal Sims 4? ›

In The Sims 4: Realm of Magic, although spellcasters aren't immortal, they can brew a potion of immortality; which only spellcasters can create.

How do you get a strong bloodline trait in Sims 4? ›

As a general rule, as long as one parent is a Spellcaster, the offspring will always have the “Weak Bloodline” trait. From there, if the offspring becomes a Spellcaster, their child will then gain the “Strong Bloodline” trait.

What does Inferniate mean? ›

Inferniate. Instantly incinerate your target with the power of fire.

Where is the magic portal in Sims 4? ›

The Mystical Portal can be found by the waterfall on the western edge of town. Since there's no lot nearby to fast travel to, the only way to reach it is on foot: fortunately, The Sims 4 allows you to explore its neighbourhood environs freely.

How do I make my Sim a mermaid cheat? ›

Mermaid Cheats
  1. equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid – Changes your Sim into a Mermaid/Merman.
  2. remove_trait trait_OccultMermaid – Changes your Mermaid/Merman Sim back to a normal Sim.
  3. equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid_MermaidForm – Grants you the mermaid tail on land.
9 Feb 2021

Can Spellcasters have babies? ›

Yes. Go into CAS and age the Sim down again.

What happens when a sage dies Sims 4? ›

If a Sage dies or gets married, another Sim will fill their role. The Sages are easily recognisable. They have their magical discipline's rune glowing above their heads.

Can you become a sage? ›

Becoming a Sage

You become a sage by learning about many different things, taking time to think about them, and sharing your knowledge with others. In classical philosophy, a sage was someone who had the wisdom to understand the depths of existence and reality.

Can vampires be Spellcasters Sims 4? ›

Re: Humanized Vampire can't become spellcaster

And if you really want to make a quad hybrids just use all the occult cheats.

How do you get the ancient bloodline cheat on Sims 4? ›

Cheats for Adding Bloodline Traits to a Spellcaster Sim
  1. equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeak – Adds a weak Bloodline Trait.
  2. equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrong – Adds a strong Bloodline Trait.
  3. equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient – Adds an ancient Bloodline Trait.
20 Jan 2021

How do you stop being a mermaid in Sims 4? ›

How to Stop Being a Mermaid in The Sims 4: Island Living ‍♀️ - YouTube

Is The Sims 5 coming? ›

Explainer. (Pocket-lint) - After plenty of rumours and speculation, The Sims 5 is official. It is being developed under the codename "Project Rene" and is still some way off from release, but the team behind it confirmed some details during The Sims Summit streamed online on 18 October 2022.

Can you be a werewolf and a Spellcaster Sims 4? ›

Just a quick reminder that, as ever, some exclusions apply. Namely, Sims who already possess a permanent occult life state (i.e. vampire, mermaid, ghost, Servo robot, spellcaster, or alien) can't become a werewolf without first renouncing their old supernatural affiliation and all its associated powers.

What can you do in Glimmerbrook Sims 4? ›

Go to the area called Glimmerbrook Watch. There you need to find the portal visible in the image above-click on it and choose the option "Travel to the realm of magic". After a while your character will move to a magical place full of spells, potions and magic duels.

What can you do in Sims 4 realm of magic? ›

Study up on classic teachings, get sorcerous experts to train your Sim, and become a Spellcaster by completing a quest. Collect and cast spells to make Sims fight, conjure food, or even turn others into objects. Create drinkable potions to make Sims fall in love, remove unwanted curses, or live forever!

Can Child Sims become spellcasters? ›

Sims of all ages can be Spellcasters, but young Spellcasters won't be able to access their powers until they become teenagers. Children of Spellcasters have a special hidden trait, Magical Bloodline, that will give them boosts to their magical abilities when they're older.

Are there fairies in Sims 4? ›

In The Sims 4, while fairies themselves do not appear in game as a life state nor as NPC, a tiny fairy can be seen flying around Sylvan Glade appearing from time to time and even giggling. However, they only serve as decoration and cannot be interacted with.

Why is Newcrest empty? ›

Newcrest is supposed to be entirely empty lots for you to build your own town (or download buildings/lots from your library or the community gallery). No worries, there is nothing wrong with your game. Have fun!

Can Spellcasters have babies? ›

Yes. Go into CAS and age the Sim down again.

When did Sims 5 release? ›

Despite a rocky launch in 2014, the game has shown impressive longevity thanks to a stream of new packs, regular free base game updates, and a loyal, passionate fanbase. But on October 18, 2022, EA and Maxis offered a first glimpse at the future of the franchise. Here's everything you need to know about The Sims 5.

What happens when two vampires have a baby Sims 4? ›

If both Sims are vampires when they conceive a child, the child is guaranteed to be a vampire too. If only one parent is a vampire, it'll be a coin flip whether the child will be too. If a child is human, they cannot be turned until they hit their Teenage years.

Who are the 3 sages Sims 4? ›

Head inside and you'll find the three Sages: L. Faba, the Sage of Mischief Magic; Simeon Silversweater, the Sage of Practical Magic; and Morgyn Ember, the Sage of Untamed Magic. Sages are the only ones who can bestow magical powers onto other Sims in a ritual known as the Rite of Ascension.

Can you marry a sage in Sims 4? ›

The “sims 4 morgyn ember baby” is a type of relationship in The Sims 4. It is possible to marry a sage in the game, but it requires some work.

What does Inferniate mean? ›

Inferniate. Instantly incinerate your target with the power of fire.

Is The Sims 5 coming? ›

Explainer. (Pocket-lint) - After plenty of rumours and speculation, The Sims 5 is official. It is being developed under the codename "Project Rene" and is still some way off from release, but the team behind it confirmed some details during The Sims Summit streamed online on 18 October 2022.

Can vampires be Spellcasters Sims 4? ›

Re: Humanized Vampire can't become spellcaster

And if you really want to make a quad hybrids just use all the occult cheats.

What does the mermaids kiss Do Sims 4? ›

Mermaid's Kiss (-30 Hydration): A Mermaid's Kiss grants whoever is kissed the "Aquatic Breath" moodlet, which temporarily gives Sims the ability to dive underwater for longer periods of time. This ability can be used in and out of water, but is more powerful in water.

Are werewolves coming to Sims 4? ›

Howl the night away in The Sims 4 Werewolves Game Pack. Your Sims will transform, join packs and run wild under the light of the full moon. Explore the world of Moonwood Mill and discover the secrets of the werewolves as you navigate your new lycanthrope life.

Can children be werewolves in Sims 4? ›

It's a 50/50 chance which occult type the child will be. With werewolves, a child isn't always guaranteed to be born as a werewolf, even if both parents are werewolves. They might instead be born as a dormant wolf.

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