How to Get Clients for a New Daycare | ParentSeek (2024)

You’re almost ready to open your new daycare center. The classrooms are safe and clean, your licensing is in order and you’re well on your way to finding great staff. You’re ready to start advertising your child care business to local parents!

Finding new clients for a daycare is both exciting and nerve-wracking. You want to be at capacity as soon as possible – and you can be with a well thought out strategy for marketing your new center. Use these steps to build your enrollment and fill your new daycare.

Find Your Voice

Your child care center is special and you love what you do. You need to let parents know this! Think about what makes your center different from other options in the area. This may be your curriculum, amenities, hours, staff, or a combination of these things. Write out these benefits so you can use them throughout your advertising. No matter how you get your daycare in front of parents, your message to them should always be consistent.

Build a Website

Most of the ways you reach potential clients (social media, ads, flyers, etc.) will have limited space. You will have room for your website address, where you can put all the information you want to share with parents about your new center.

A website can also help you encourage parents to call, sign up for a tour or attend an open house. Make sure all of your contact information is easy to find. You can also add forms so people can send you an email, sign up for a tour or RSVP to your open house right from your website. Set up automatic emails to remind parents about the tours and open houses they registered for online.

You can build a website before you’re ready to accept new families to make sure everything is working smoothly before your grand opening. This will also give search engines time to learn what your website is about. When it comes time to get clients for your daycare, add a popup that lets all your site visitors know you’re now accepting new families.

Optimize for Local Searches

All of your potential customers live or work within your city or town. Parents search for child care using phrases like “daycare in downtown Buffalo.” Optimizing your website for these search phrases is called local SEO.

To help you reach nearby families, make sure your city or neighborhood name are used throughout your website. Claim your Google My Business listing by following these steps so you show up within Google Maps results. Add your new center to child care directories like

You can also reach out to websites and blogs in your area that cater to your target audience. This may be small news sites, mommy blogs, community forums, and other similar online networks.

Offer Enrollment Deals

Create a limited-time incentive for parents that sign up by a certain date or commit to multiple months. You could also offer a referral bonus or sibling discount for your first few months. You don’t want to severely cut into your income or devalue your services with huge discounts, but a limited-time offer could help convince parents who are considering your new center.

Network with Everyone

Word of mouth is an incredibly valuable marketing tool. Tell everyone you know that your child care center is open and ready for new clients. Bring it up during in-person conversations (and pass along your business card), talk about it on social media and network with other child care professionals in your city.

Get to know local organizations where young families spend a lot of time. This might be “mommy and me” groups, area preschools that don’t offer child care, large employers near your center and elementary schools. Consider building partnerships with these and other community organizations so you can benefit each other both now and as your business grows.

You should also register with your local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency so they can start recommending families to you.

Hold a Daycare Open House

Open your new center to the public to show families how welcoming your space is. Encourage parents to RSVP so you know about how many guests to expect. Provide activities for kids, plenty of staff to supervise and guide tours, kid-friendly snacks, background music and promotional materials for parents to look over at home. Highlight the ages you specialize in, what curriculum you’ll be following, your handbook and contact information.

Advertise your Open House

Before you host an open house, make sure everyone in your neighborhood knows about it. Run ads on social media and Google targeting parents by location and online behavior. Create and promote a Facebook event.

You should also take advantage of traditional advertising methods. Distribute flyers, tell people about your open house in person, add temporary signage in front of your daycare, mail postcards to specific carrier routes, and contact news outlets in your area.

Follow Up with Families

After your open house, remind parents about how much they loved your center with a phone call and emails. Do the same with anyone who took a tour or reached out via your website or Facebook. Before long, you’ll be building a waiting list instead of getting clients for your new daycare!

How to Get Clients for a New Daycare | ParentSeek (2024)


How to Get Clients for a New Daycare | ParentSeek? ›

Word of Mouth

Your best resource for attracting new clients are the parents who already have children enrolled in your daycare. Encourage parents to spread the word about how great your facility is. Offer incentives such as a free month of care or a discount on the weekly rate for every new client a parent brings in.

How do daycares attract clients? ›

Word of Mouth

Your best resource for attracting new clients are the parents who already have children enrolled in your daycare. Encourage parents to spread the word about how great your facility is. Offer incentives such as a free month of care or a discount on the weekly rate for every new client a parent brings in.

How do I advertise my new daycare? ›

Here are a few childcare marketing ideas to consider:
  1. Create a website. ...
  2. Increase online visibility. ...
  3. Create a Google Business profile. ...
  4. Use social media marketing. ...
  5. Send a newsletter. ...
  6. Get online reviews. ...
  7. Educate. ...
  8. Try paid ads.

What is the target market of a daycare? ›

Your target customers include parents (and their kids). Knowing the age breakdown of a certain area can help you determine if there is a demand for a day care business. If there is a high percentage of children, there is likely a demand for a child care facility.

How do I attract parents to my daycare? ›

Marketing Strategies to Attract Parents to Your DayCare
  1. Establish and enhance your brand. ...
  2. Create a website for your daycare facility. ...
  3. Use SEO keywords related to your business. ...
  4. Get involved in the community. ...
  5. Advertise your daycare center. ...
  6. Buying high-quality kid-friendly products. ...
  7. Make your center stand out.
Sep 22, 2022

What makes a daycare high quality? ›

Quality child care offers children supportive, nurturing relationships with trusted teachers, and positive, diverse learning experiences. For children ages birth to 5 years, quality child care settings can make sure your child is ready for school. In these early years, children's brains develop quickly.

Where is the best place to advertise for daycare? ›

Bulletin Boards - Great place to post your business cards, flyers, or brochures. Child Care Resource & Referral Agency - Get on the list! Centers - Contact Child Care Centers in your area that do not accommodate children 2 and under. Maybe they would be willing refer those families to you.

How long does it take to adjust to a new daycare? ›

A settling-in period is when your child may be unsettled, distressed or upset. It is not unusual for children to have a period of adjustment after starting a nursery. This can last anywhere between a few days and a couple of weeks.

What do you put on a daycare flyer? ›

An effective flyer for your daycare center should list staff certifications, medical training and instructors' years of job experience. Parents relate to other parents so Including testimonials from current or past happy customers is also a great idea.

Why are daycares not profitable? ›

Employees don't earn much in a daycare center. Sick time is often the only benefit they receive. Health insurance and retirement plans are frequently absent due to low wages. Generally, employees don't stay for long periods because of the low pay.

How do you fix bad behavior in daycare? ›

Use behavior management techniques
  1. Praise good behavior while ignoring negative behavior. Positive reinforcement will help the child focus on what is expected of them and encourage good behaviors.
  2. Try a classroom reward chart. ...
  3. Use positive language. ...
  4. Create a visual schedule.
Feb 13, 2020

Is daycare stressful for children? ›

Starting daycare can be a stressful time, for both babies and parents alike. Some babies will adapt quickly, while others will cry every morning for many weeks. Does starting daycare have any impact on a child's brain? It can.

What is a SWOT analysis in childcare? ›

A SWOT analysis is a simple self-assessment planning tool that helps you understand what the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Weaknesses are of your childcare business.

What are the 4 target markets? ›

Market segmentation is the process of dividing the market into subsets of customers who share common characteristics. The four pillars of segmentation marketers use to define their ideal customer profile (ICP) are demographic, psychographic, geographic and behavioral.

What is the best target market example? ›

For example, a children's toy may have boys ages 9–11 as the target market and the boys' parents as the target audience. It may also be defined as the consumer segment most likely to be influenced by an advertising campaign. The target market is also distinct from the buyer persona.

What are 3 pros of having your children go to a daycare center? ›

When they go to daycare, children learn to use social and emotional skills in everything from teamwork to resolving conflict. The best daycare center will build learning activities that facilitate this. Structured games and play allow self-expression and problem-solving development in a supervised environment.

What three things would you want most from your child's care provider? ›

4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Childcare Provider
  • You and your child should feel at home. ...
  • The philosophy and curriculum should resonate with you. ...
  • There's ample time for open-ended play. ...
  • The childcare provider is safe, secure, and clean.
Mar 12, 2020

What do you say to a daycare provider? ›

Ways to Tell Child Care Providers that You Appreciate Them
  • You inspire me when you…
  • I really appreciate when you…
  • I value what you do when…
  • It is amazing that you…
  • I like the way you handled…
  • It makes me smile when you…
  • It is awesome that you…
  • I love how you…

How will you encourage children to get along with others daycare? ›

Encourage children to assume different roles in their pretend play. Help them express their own feelings and encourage them to listen to other people's feelings. Try to link one child's feelings to another child's by reminding them of their own past experiences in similar situations.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.