Dying From Bladder Cancer: Mortality Causes and Risks (2024)

Age, smoking, and exposure to toxins are just some of the factors that increase your risk of dying from bladder cancer. But many of the known risks are preventable.

Bladder cancer is the sixth most common type of cancer in the United States, but it ranks eighth in terms of types of cancer that lead to death.

Although it’s not one of the most deadly forms of cancer, it’s still possible to die from bladder cancer — and those assigned male at birth may face a higher risk.

In this article, we take a look at the causes and mortality risks associated with bladder cancer and how you can lower your risk of getting bladder cancer.

Where in your bladder does cancer typically develop?

Your bladder stores urine after it’s processed by your kidneys and before it leaves your body. Urothelial cells and smooth muscle line your bladder, allowing it to stretch and shift as your bladder fills and empties.

Urine is made up of excess fluid and other substances from your body, including toxic substances that your kidneys are removing from the bloodstream. These harmful substances are believed to be the main cause of bladder cancer.

The urothelial cells come into contact most closely with urine and are the cells affected by cancer in 90% of people with bladder cancer. Cancer that progresses to the smooth muscle layers accounts for about 10% of all people with bladder cancer and lowers your chances of survival.

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The cause of death for many people with nonmetastatic bladder cancer isn’t the bladder cancer itself. One 2020 study found that about 44% of deaths in people with bladder cancer weren’t related to bladder cancer but to nonbladder cancers (10%) and other noncancer causes (34.2%).

According to that study, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were the most common noncancer causes of deaths reported. But researchers also noted that people with bladder cancer had a higher risk of dying from secondary cancers, heart diseases, and COPD than the people who never had bladder cancer.

It should be noted that heart disease and COPD are both smoking-related diseases, as is bladder cancer.

Factors that increase the risk of mortality

There are a number of things that can increase your risk of dying from bladder cancer, mainly increasing age. People older than 60 years of age make up the majority of people with bladder cancer, and being older than 60 years of age is considered one of the main risk factors of developing and dying from bladder cancer.

Other major mortality risk factors for bladder cancer include:

  • tobacco smoking
  • exposure to toxins or chemicals
  • being assigned male at birth

Overall, according to a study that divided people into groups of either men or women, the cumulative risk of dying from bladder cancer between birth and 74 years of age is 0.29% for men and 0.08% for women.

Who’s at risk?

  • People older than 55 years of age receive 90% of the diagnoses of bladder cancer in the United States.
  • Bladder cancer is four times as common in men as it is in women according to a study that divided people into groups of either men or women.
  • Between 50% and 65% people’s bladder cancer is linked to tobacco smoking.
  • Chronic bladder infections or irritations (such as from urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones, or bladder stones) have been linked to bladder cancer.
  • Bladder parasites (schistosomiasis) that are prevalent in certain parts of the world can also increase your risk of bladder cancer.

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The short-term outlook for those who have received a diagnosis of bladder cancer depends on their overall health, but there are some specific factors that can impact mortality too.

Cancer that’s considered to be in situ — meaning only in the superficial layers of your bladder — carries the lowest mortality risk. Invasive cancers that extend to the muscle layers to metastasize to other areas of your body are more deadly. Roughly 1 in 3 people’s bladder cancer extends beyond the superficial layers of their bladder wall but remain within their bladder. Only about 4% of all people’s bladder cancer spreads to other parts of their body.

About 48% of people who died within 1 to 3 years of receiving a bladder cancer diagnosis died directly from bladder cancer, while only about 3% of people who survived 10 years or more after receiving their initial diagnosis died of primary bladder cancer.

Health factors beyond your overall health and the stage of your cancer that can increase your short-term mortality risk with bladder cancer include:

  • increased age (being older than 50 years of age)
  • white ethnic background
  • delays in treatment with chemotherapy or radiation
  • lack of health insurance
  • being unmarried

Although white people have a higher overall incidence rate of bladder cancer, mortality rates from bladder cancer are higher in Black people. A 2022 study that examined cancer mortality rates in the United States from 1999 to 2019 suggests that social inequalities and barriers to healthcare contributed to higher mortality rates among Black men and women.

There are also higher mortality rates of bladder cancer in undeveloped countries, especially where schistosomiasis infections are the cause of the cancer. These infections are most common in North and East Africa and in the Middle East.

You can still enjoy a long life after receiving a bladder cancer diagnosis depending on the stage and grade of your cancer at the time receiving the diagnosis and the level of follow-up care you receive.

Treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy and radiation, can come with side effects that lead to other health problems including infections and nerve damage. There’s also the chance that your cancer could return after initial treatment or that secondary cancers appear in other areas.

Although survival rates for people with bladder cancer 5 years after receiving a diagnosis of it and beyond are generally good, you should schedule follow-up exams with a healthcare professional every 3 to 6 months.

Some methods used to check for recurrent or new cancer growth may include:

  • cystoscopy
  • urine tests
  • blood tests
  • X-rays

In cases of superficial, noninvasive bladder tumors, a follow-up cystoscopy will be done every 3 months after endoscopic resection of the tumor. In some cases, medication will be instilled into your bladder to lower the chances of recurrence.

Bladder cancer doesn’t often run in families and doesn’t have a strong genetic link. This means that most causes of bladder cancer are gotten and could therefore be prevented.

Although there’s little you can do about increasing age — a primary risk factor for bladder cancer — you can take steps to limit the toxins that enter your body and improve your overall health.

Some health prevention strategies that are recommended to lower your risk of developing bladder cancer or having bladder cancer return include:

  • quitting smoking
  • maintaining a moderate body mass index
  • limiting your exposure to toxic or harmful chemicals
  • drinking plenty of water
  • eating lots of fruits and vegetables

What causes bladder cancer?

Bladder cancer is rarely caused by genetics or passed through families. Age, gender, and tobacco smoking are some of the risk factors most often linked to bladder cancer. Exposure to toxins or chemicals can also increase your risk of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer in some people is caused by a schistosomiasis infection.

What are the main symptoms of bladder cancer?

The main symptoms of bladder cancer include:

  • blood in your urine
  • painful urination
  • frequent urination
  • urgent urination
  • urinary incontinence
  • pain in your abdominal area
  • pain in your lower back

How is bladder cancer diagnosed?

Bladder cancer is diagnosed with a combination of tests, including:

  • a physical exam
  • imaging with an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan with contrast dye
  • blood testing
  • urine testing
  • cystoscopy
  • biopsy

How is bladder cancer treated?

Bladder cancer is treated like many other forms of cancer. In the majority of people, their bladder tumors can be removed endoscopically. This procedure will also determine if the cancer has spread into surrounding muscles. More extensive surgery depends on the type of tumor and the degree of local or distant spread.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy — treatments that destroy rapidly growing cancer cells — are also common. In some cases, a combination of chemotherapy and radiation, or even immunotherapy, may be used to shrink tumors before surgery.

Bladder cancer isn’t one of the most deadly cancers. In fact, almost as many people with bladder cancer die from other causes as from bladder cancer itself.

Getting treatment right away and keeping up on your follow-up care can help increase your chances of survival with bladder cancer. There are also steps you can take to prevent this type of cancer from forming in the first place.

Smoking and exposure to toxic chemicals are some of the leading, and preventable, causes of bladder cancer.

Dying From Bladder Cancer: Mortality Causes and Risks (2024)


Dying From Bladder Cancer: Mortality Causes and Risks? ›

People older than 60 years of age make up the majority of people with bladder cancer, and being older than 60 years of age is considered one of the main risk factors of developing and dying from bladder cancer. Other major mortality risk factors for bladder cancer include: tobacco smoking.

How long can you live with aggressive bladder cancer? ›

The later you receive a diagnosis and the farther the cancer has traveled, the less chance it can be controlled. For bladder cancer, if the cancer has spread to the regional lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is 39.2% . If it has spread to a distant site, the 5-year survival rate is 8.3% .

What to expect when dying from bladder cancer? ›

The dying person will feel weak and sleep a lot. When death is very near, you might notice some physical changes such as changes in breathing, loss of bladder and bowel control and unconsciousness. It can be emotionally very difficult to watch someone go through these physical changes.

What happens in the last stages of bladder cancer? ›

When bladder cancer reaches stage 4, the original tumor has often grown and pushed through the wall of the bladder. Cancer cells may have spread to organs close to the bladder or those further away, such as the liver or lungs.

How is a person's daily life affected by bladder cancer? ›

You might have to alter some of your daily (and nightly) routines because of changes in how you urinate. Other issues such as having sex might also cause concerns (see below). It's normal to have worries and concerns when adjusting to such a major change.

What causes death with bladder cancer? ›

But researchers also noted that people with bladder cancer had a higher risk of dying from secondary cancers, heart diseases, and COPD than the people who never had bladder cancer. It should be noted that heart disease and COPD are both smoking-related diseases, as is bladder cancer.

What is the most aggressive type of bladder cancer? ›

Muscle invasive bladder cancer

This means it has grown into a deeper (muscle) layer of the bladder, or beyond. Muscle invasive bladder cancer needs more intensive treatment than non muscle invasive bladder cancer. This is because there is a risk that it could spread to other parts of the body.

What happens 2 weeks prior to death? ›

1 to 2 weeks before death, the person may feel tired and drained all the time, so much that they don't leave their bed. They could have: Different sleep-wake patterns. Little appetite and thirst.

What shuts down first when dying? ›

When someone dies, their heart stops and they stop breathing. Within a few minutes, their brain stops functioning and their skin starts to cool. At this point, they have died.

How do you know when a person is transitioning and actively dying? ›

As the end approaches in two to three days, the active stage of dying begins. Common symptoms include unresponsiveness and a significant drop in blood pressure, indicating impending death.

Is bladder cancer painful at the end? ›

If bladder cancer reaches an advanced stage and begins to spread, symptoms can include: pelvic pain. bone pain. unintentional weight loss.

What is the red flag for bladder cancer? ›

Blood in the urine is the most common symptom of bladder cancer. Around 80 out of 100 people with bladder cancer (around 80%) have some blood in their urine. Doctors call blood in the urine haematuria (pronounced heem-at-you-ree-ah). You may see the blood in your urine.

What hurts when you have bladder cancer? ›

Pain in flank, the section of the back between the ribs and the hip bone. Painful urination. Frequent urination. Urinary hesitancy, or difficulty beginning to urinate.

How do you care for someone with bladder cancer? ›

Caring for a loved one with cancer
  1. Providing support and encouragement.
  2. Talking with the health care team.
  3. Giving medications.
  4. Helping manage symptoms and side effects.
  5. Coordinating medical appointments.
  6. Providing a ride to and from appointments.
  7. Assisting with meals.
  8. Helping with household chores.

How do you pee after bladder cancer? ›

Your surgeon makes a new opening called a stoma on your tummy (abdomen) for the urine to pass through. This way of collecting urine allows you to control (be continent) when urine comes out. You don't have to wear a bag to collect urine.

How long can an elderly person live with bladder cancer? ›

In a study from the United States Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database, five-year survival rates declined progressively from 84 percent in those between 65 and 69 years to 60 percent in those 85 and older [3].

How serious is aggressive bladder cancer? ›

When treated early and appropriately, most bladder cancers (even muscle-invasive) are potentially curable. Still, some patients with aggressive bladder cancer will ultimately die of their cancer.

Can you survive aggressive bladder cancer? ›

Survival for all stages of bladder cancer

more than 50 out of every 100 (more than 50%) survive their cancer for 5 years or more after they are diagnosed. around 45 out of every 100 (around 45%) survive their cancer for 10 years or more after diagnosis.

What are the signs that bladder cancer is getting worse? ›

If bladder cancer reaches an advanced stage and begins to spread, symptoms can include:
  • pelvic pain.
  • bone pain.
  • unintentional weight loss.
  • swelling of the legs.
Nov 13, 2023

What is the life expectancy of Stage 3 bladder cancer? ›

If the cancer has spread through the bladder muscle into the layer of tissue around the bladder and maybe to nearby organs (such as the prostate gland in men or the vagin* in women), but has not spread to lymph nodes or other organs (Stage III), the 5-year survival rate is about 46%.

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